leave the cap off & turn the heater to hot with the fan off,run the engine untill you can feel all the hoses are hot & then put the cap on tight & run till cooling fan on radiator kicks in.
note there are probably some bleed nipples on some of the hoses but be aware that if you try & undo them & the car is bit old,due to heat they can snap off & then you'll need a new hose so only open them if you cant get the air locks out the way i orriginally suggested
There are 2 bleeding points at the highest positions of the cooling system on your Megane, you cannot bleed the system without opening both of them.
With the engine cold open both bleed points, top up your coolant resovoir slowly until the coolant trickles out of one of the bleed points then close that bleed, as soon as coolant comes out of the orther close that.
Your drivers handbook should tell you where the points are.