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Peugeot 206 - gear stick gone loose

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Ian1 | 21:05 Sat 17th Jan 2009 | Cars
2 Answers
My daughter went to go out in her car today but come straight back saying the gear stick had gone all loose and she couldn't find the gears easily.

Does this look like a problem with the gear linkage?

If so, is it expensive to get it fixed?


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A friend of mine lost all gears a few years ago (can't remember what car, but it was front wheel drive). There was a 'ball and socket' joint on top of the gearbox. The ball was on the end of the lever actually attached to the gearbox and the ball was on the end of the rod from the gear lever. There was a little over centre clip that was supposed to hold the two together, but had broken letting the the socket 'jump' off the ball...result , no gears. Don't know if yours could be something similar.
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Thanks for that sddsddean.

I took the car to my local independant garage. It was the linkage, they charged about �72 to fix incl labour. So not too bad, I was expecting much worse.

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Peugeot 206 - gear stick gone loose

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