I had been letting the engine run for 15 minutes every couple of days but alas the battery is 'dead'
The car has not been used for 4 weeks and has been sitting in sub-zero temperatures obviously.
The battery is 18 months old and the car has done very low mileage since it was installed.
As I do not think that I will need the car in the forseeable future should I leave the battery in the car and charge it when I need to use it or should I take it indoors and keep it until I need it or, should I get it charged as soon as possible and then keep it indoors or, should I put it back into the car after it has been charged and make sure I use the car more frequently.
Yes, it is obvious I know very little about cars!
Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated.
15 mins running isn't enough to replace the charge taken by the starter motor, especially if the engine is just ticking over. Recharge the battery and take the car for a good run, 30 mins+, at least once a week and it should be OK.