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4X4 Drivers

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lacmag3 | 13:30 Wed 30th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
91 Answers
Are drivers of big 4x4 cars just wannabe bullies who aren't able to bully outside their cars?


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Or am I just bitter because I can't afford one?
Yes I am afraid you are all bitter and twisted.
Lacmag3, I do believe that you have just been called a slice of lemon:)
Thats 50%. The other 50 are women who are unable to drive them properly
No, they're not.
Usually driven by 'school run Mums' who almost drive into the class room so their kids don't have to walk more than 10 yards.
By the way, I have noticed that a large number, not all, of these large trucks are guys with shaven heads, tattoos, piercings, and numerous chains hanging from their belts. Whether they're bullies or "wannabe" ones, I don't know; however they certainly look the part.
Hey stuey, I know you colonials like yer pick up trucks.
I guess I missed out the word "drivers"...Oops.
Tony, and usually the voices of the guys in the ads for these trucks are always rumbling, canyon-echoing, gravel-crunching, booming "Don't mess with me an' this here truck" types. And they always seem to be towing earth-moving machines around.
Yep, usually in a hemi Dodge Ram from what I have seen, stuey ( certainly get the rumble with an hemi ).
Within a 25 mile radius of where I live in the western U.S., I personally only know of two non-all wheel drive autos... both little 'girly' frou-frou cars on which the enterprising owners have thoughtfully intalled tow hooks on both the front and rear frames to help pull them out of the snowbanks in mid-winter. Seems that the attempt to so extract the little red one, the driver of the 4X4 came away with nearly the whole rear end attached to his log chain.

Truth be told, the standing joke here about the 4X4 is that one will make it 20 feet farther into the snow drift. It's all in the driving skill, not so much the 4X4 feature...
eddie, have you thought that the "school run mum's" may be on their way to work and have dropped off the kids, have you also considered that their school may not be a few yards from their house.

not sure why everyone has an issue with 4X4 owners/cars, I wonder do people have issues with normal estate cars that look like ordinary cars but have 4X4 capabilities?
wonder what cazz drives, lol.
I drive an estate (non 4X4 I might add)
In line with stuey and tony's comments, you gotta love the ads for Dodge Hemi-equipped Rams... "Guts, Glory... Ram"... done by the excellent western actor, Sam Elliott...
I want one of those rumble bees, Clanad.
No! No!, Tony: y'all gotta say "Ah wants me one of them there rumble bees, Clanad." as sonorously and resoundingly as you can whilst tapping on the side of a broken-down massive bulldozer.
Clanad, ah wants me one of these ere Rumble Bees !.

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