I can kind of understand your position. Halifax son was bullied terribly at primary school (years 5 & 6), so did not go to the high school the same bullies went to. His best friend, who was also bullied, went to a private high school.
The only other high school available had a bad reputation (but the most excellent facilities I have ever seen !?!), but I had no other choice. He went there for a few months, but I had to withdraw him from education completely when he was getting physically and verbally abused on a daily basis.
I home-educated him for almost a year (I'm not qualified, but we did ok). I then appealed for a place at the best state school in our area. At the appeal, I explained what had happened and was fortunate to have an understanding panel who gave him the opportunity. He is now settled at the same school, has just got a grade B in GCSE Maths (he is only 14) and is happy, confident and thriving.
My advice would be - don't expose him to bullying, and research the most suitable school in your area, then go to appeal.