Ignore any letters and phone calls, They can't do anything legal but take it to the courts for a judge to go through it legaly. The only time you have to respond is to a actual Magistrates court letter. You can ignore any letters from the private car park companies They have to also have proof that you was the person who drove the car that day and not some one else and if some one else borrowed your car you don't have to give any details to them to whom did use your car. Only if they take you to court do you have to tell them who drove the car. the charge is made out for breaking a company's rules between the driver and the company, It's not the owner of the car if they wasn't the driver that day.The rules are not made up by the law, they are made up by the owner of the car park. Many people fall for paying up to avoid the hassle and that's how these companies make their money.