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robbiebob | 19:40 Mon 19th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I believe the number plate EN61AND was sold at auction at the start of the month... I have looked to try and find out how much it went for (just interested) but cant seem to find out. Any ideas folks??



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Not sure but would like to buy the number PEN 1S. Any idea how much that is worth?
Isn't EN61AND illegal? Or does no one care about that sort of thing any more?
That one should produce a good wad, JB ... LOL, LOL.

(Is that too rude?)

why is it illegal~? EN61 AND is perfectly legal on a new car
Someone I knew had XJ6 .. on an XJ6 : )
He was forever getting stopped thinking the plates had been left on a demo car.
Rude, why would that one be rude, J.J.? It is just a number I thought up. What would your best number be then? JJ 1 I suppose?
No ..

BU22Y ; ) xJJ
(I got the joke JJ)
Well, using a legitimate registration format, it would be ...


But it's already taken. It's on a blue Peugeot 309.
When I worked for the DVLA I used to give out the registration numbers to traders and all the numbers up to 21 and all the registrations that could form words were crossed out.
ive got DEE on my reg plate, hubby bought it one year as a birthday present but on condition I stopped shouting rude comments out the window to road hogs etc he said they will remember your number and you wll get nicked, so now I only do "gestures".
pity Doc is suspended.......he is an expert on these number plates lol
How do we know when someone is suspended?
I have seen a big car with B16 NOB or BI9 NOB as the number plate.

Was it Jimmy Tarbuck that had COM 1C?
JonnyBoy, I used to know the guy who had that registration PEN 1S, he lived very close to me in the 1980s I believe he had it on a Jaguar.
Ann86- you can see it on a user's profile:
Ignore my link- I think Ed may have put something in to stop us linking to Profiles. This will just show you your own profile. What is a 'nudge-shuffler' i wonder!
I know a scrap metal dealer that had VAT13 on his Rolls Royce.
There is a vicar near me who has M1 GOD, he's such an idiot I'm surprised he doesn't get it changed to 1M GOD.
I remember back in the mid 80s some hooray near me had a Tickford Capri with OK Y4H on it.

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