Controversy on the 80 mph.
Reading R.Hamonds views on this 80 mph on Motorways he is in agreement, a lot will not use them because the speed frightens them! Accidents are caused on motorways by some idiotic people, why? traveling too close is the main, do not know how to read their exit signs, eg/ the drivers are in the outside lane when in fact they should be in the in-side lane ready for the exit. today is was stated that the police used a HGV to see what people got up to whilst driving, reading the papers, doing a crossword, Tex ting, what should the penalty be?think about the lives that could be lost by the actions of these people, people say that Motorways are dangerous? how can they be dangerous when all the traffic travel in one direction, its not the motorway that is at fault, its the clowns that do not know how to use them! "True"?