I do have a disabled badge and I do use it all the time. Why do I have it? Some of the problems I have had over the years are two broken vertebrae in my back, permanent serious damage to the nerves and muscles in my back and legs, I've had bone cancer, have two replacement knees etc. I live on large doses of pain killers every day, as otherwise the pain prohibits me from functioning. I am unable to walk without pain. Do I look disabled? Well, sometimes yes. But I fight against it and try to look as "normal" as possible, because I don't like being discriminated against, something mungbeanz would obviously prefer, and I don't want my disability to stop me living a "normal" life. The pain killers make me feel tired a lot, so I try to take only enough to manage the pain, not get rid of it, as I want and need to be awake during the day. I am my 95 year old mother's carer and she has dementia and is no longer mobile or able to do anything for herself. So, I cannot afford to take the medication needed to take away the pain, as it will also put me to sleep! But because I do my best not to let others see the pain I am in, ratter is right, I do get the odd nasty comments, which can be upsetting. To be honest, I really don't think you can expect real disabled badge users to police this situation in the car parks though. Honestly, being disabled is no fun and we have enough on our hands coping with our own day to day problems as it is!!