Condensation dripping in Tigra boot - HELP!! in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Condensation dripping in Tigra boot - HELP!!

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JTigra | 21:25 Wed 30th Nov 2011 | Motoring
2 Answers
I have just acquired my 2007 Tigra from my daughter who had this from new but is now not covered by warranty, she should have done something about this while it was still covered!!

It has this awful damp smell, which she has obviously just left and done nothing about!! Anyway, I suspected she had left the roof off when it rained, but now after alot of detective work we have discovered condensation in the boot, when the boot lid is lifted water is dripping off the inside off the metal lid, its not a leak its definately a build up of condensation - there doesn't seem to be enough ventilation.
We thought of trying the insulate it with some sort of lining.

Can anyone advise on a solution, or has anyone ever heard or experienced a similar problem.

I also had a 2006 Tigra myself which I loved and never had this problem with it.
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So it's not rear screen washer then?
The lid must be collecting rainwater .. checked the seals?
Get inside it and test with a hosepipe.
the condensation will only be caused by water/damp which is already there, insulation wont help. It wants drying out completely, know anyone in the bodyshop trade? ideally wants putting in a paint oven for an hour or so.
Then try and locate the water leak which im assuming it has somewhere, many of the mass produced convertables suffer with water ingress,basically poorly fitting roofs/seals etc. its not just Vauxhalls , Fords & Peugeots have had issues in the past. It gets worse as the vehicles get older and the rubber seals perish or wear...

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Condensation dripping in Tigra boot - HELP!!

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