Hi folks ... does anyone know how long the driver of a vehicle has before he must renew his vehicle licence tax? We know of someone whose tax disc ran out yesterday - Does he have 4 weeks' grace to get the tax renewed? I thought it was a month, Mr. Chox isn't so sure.
Would be grateful for clarification if anyone out there knows.
If the person has renewed the tax by post or online it will not have arrived yet. In reality nothing will be done unless the tax is not renewed with in 15 days. As today is a Sunday you can not get a new tax disc today anyway even if you go to the post office, tomorrow is the first working day of the month so that is when the rnewal is due.
That situation is slightly different though - it's only 5 days if you have applied and are just waiting for the post. It does not say you are allowed 5 days before you apply.