Jokes0 min ago
Car tax
I noticed yesterday that one of my neighbour's tax disc ran out on 30th June, was going to go over and mention it, but things happened and I never got to go, however I noticed this morning that he now has a new tax disc in the car that run out 31st Jan 2013, does this mean that he has had a month off of paying car tax ? I have checked on the DirectGov site and it states that it is unlicensed, (date of liability 1 July 2012) so not a case of having renewed and forgetting to display. I thought that in cases such as these, when the tax was renewed late it was done so that they would lose one of the six months, but this doesn't seem to be so, in which case, it is a bit unfair isn't it?
It's a bit of a loop hole but if you tax the car using a standard V10 from the post office rather than the coded renewal, then they will issue it within those rules so continuity will not be maintained on the actual tax disc but it will show in the records that the vehicle was untaxed for a month and DVLA will probably have something to say about it. I suspect they'll be...
14:31 Fri 03rd Aug 2012
I'm glad I'm not your neighbour if that is your attitude. I was, as I say going to go over to my neighbours who I get on well with and mention it, I didn't say I was going to report them or anything, I checked on the directgov site just out of curiosity more than anything to see if it was a case that they had renewed and just forgotten to display the new disc. The car is on the road not on a private driveway and the only reason I noticed it was he had parked in front of mine and when I got in mine that was when I spotted it, so not really being a nosey overzealous neighbour, just curious as to why you don't lose a month when late renewing!
It's a bit of a loop hole but if you tax the car using a standard V10 from the post office rather than the coded renewal, then they will issue it within those rules so continuity will not be maintained on the actual tax disc but it will show in the records that the vehicle was untaxed for a month and DVLA will probably have something to say about it. I suspect they'll be asked to pay some sort of penalty.
why is everybody having a pop at this ABer for noticing this? even if he was doing it to report him then why not? Who's the bigger mug, those of us who cough up our money every year or those who turn a blind eye to people fiddling?
I have a neighbour who regularly let his van run a couple of months each year with out tax before renewing. Are you the same people who allow people to fiddle their benefits and income tax?
I have a neighbour who regularly let his van run a couple of months each year with out tax before renewing. Are you the same people who allow people to fiddle their benefits and income tax?
Jules. A few years ago I had neglected to notice my tax had expired and we had by then entered a new month. As soon as I twigged, yes my fault no question of that, I went to the tax office and renewed the tax for another year and paid the intervening months rate. This gave what appeared to any 'neighbour' a thirteen month tax? My point is you just don't know the circumstances. And btw the DVLA know all - no sorn = an eventualk catch up and questions. These days one just cannot get away with skipping a month or two if you have not been caught. Can forgetfulness be a part of it or negligence one might say? Yes it can.I have to say I would not want to be 'reminded' by anyone, if I had been stopped and reported during my misdemeanour, my fault.