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fiat punto won't start

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teesha | 12:45 Tue 21st Jun 2005 | Motoring
3 Answers
I have also got a punto N reg, which when i put a new battery on it wouldn' start! i was told the red key needs coding but other people have said its probably a wire missing of the battery. can anyone help?


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If your car worked before then changing the battery shouldn't have affected the key coding.  When you say it will not start, does the engine turn over?  If it does, then the battery is doing its job.  The next thing is to check if the spark plugs are sparking and go on from there.  If the engine won't turn over, then the battery is either faulty, not charged or installed improperly.  Make sure the cable from the negative terminal is connected to the car body to earth it, and that the connexions to the terminals are good and tight.

Are the ingnition lights comming on? if so is it trying to start or not.

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Hi thanks for that info will try it 2moro and let u no!


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fiat punto won't start

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