News2 mins ago
Driving Licence Renewal
I'm a lady of 'a certain age' - I have a new type driving licence which I understand is only valid for 10 years (I found this out from a friend, checked on my licence but can't see anywhere where it tells me this ) - now there is a little arrow pointing down in the bottom left hand corner with Dec 15 showing if I flick the card around a bit. Is this it? the time I need to renew it? and if so how do I know what date I need to do this or will the DVLA notify me? Seems a little tenuous to me, I really did read through my driving licence and couldn't find anywhere to tell me how long the licence ran for. Long sigh......I really must be getting old.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.if you have a photocard , it'll be on there what date it's valid till. It's in the middle (4b on this example) https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=d riving+ licence &hl =en& ;rlz=1C 1AFAB_e nGB450G B450&am p;sourc e=lnms& amp;tbm =isch&a mp;sa=X &ei =ZnQuUa j5NtLM0 AWMhIDI DA& ved=0CA oQ_AUoA Q&b iw=1366 &bi h=667#i mgrc=ZP v-8Eflw LQcWM%3 A%3By_I vrWw-eA rxaM%3B http%25 3A%252F %252Fim toring. 52Fimag es%252F newsIma ges%252 Fdrivin g-licen ce-exch ange-ru les-tig htened- 52313-1 .jpg%3B http%25 3A%252F %252Fww w.motor uk%252F car-new s%252Fd riving- licence -exchan ge-rule s-tight ened_52 313%3B4 00%3B24 9
If you are a photocard licence holder, the expiry date of the licence is shown in section 4b.
It is a legal requirement to keep it up to date.
If you fail to do this, it could cost you a £1000 fine.
https:/ /www.dv uk/dvla /forms/ ~/media /pdf/le aflets/ hx
It is a legal requirement to keep it up to date.
If you fail to do this, it could cost you a £1000 fine.
Hopkirk , ok they do remind you sorry I though they didn't. The problem is very many people move house in the 10 years the licence is valid but do not change the details so the reminder goes to the old address and no one sees it. Just checked mine runs out on my 65th birthday , it this normal or just a co-incidence?