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Multiple Spammers

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factor-fiction | 08:37 Sat 25th May 2013 | Editor's Blog
12 Answers
We've had multi spammers before (selling Jordans, Nikes etc) who post 20 answers in an hour day after day but I'm wondering how someone flooded the site with 202 identical posts about a US radio station in a minute early this morning.

A similar thing happened earlier this week where someone (same person?) posted the same US music station question many times.

Is there a way of stopping this becoming an ongoing problem? Can the number of posts for a new user be limited for a period - that's how it used to be I think.


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I wondered that too ff - can only think it's done electronically which by-passes the system (that's about as technical as I can get lol). Blooming spammers they need putting out of our misery!
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It must be automated, I agree. I know you can manually open up 200+ windows and paste the question into all 202+, but it doesn't seem possible to then press the Submit button 200+ times in a minute.
Anyway they have gone now so the 'spammer' probably gained little other than the sort of satisfaction trolls get
Do you remember a few years back when you got suspended for answering too many questions in a short period of time? There should be some way to limit someone posting multiple questions.
but a radio station! what's the point in spamming about a US radio station on a uk site? I wonder if it's a cover up and it's the CIA infesting and uploading a bug to the site so that they can monitor our online activity?
imagine that conversation in the operations room at langley
'gee boss i dunno, they seem innocent but there's alot of talk of cooking something up and prescription drugs and the like, it may be a cover for covert or subversive activity, possibly posted in code as their status reads 'fed up' which does not compute'
If our resident pinkos start disappearing, dot, we'll have to launch an urgent investigation.
In about 6 months.
It is very annoying, though, when you log on to see what's happening & that poster has over-run the site.
We'll see if we can do something about these spammers in particular first. Is it just during the early hours lf the morning? Or has it happened during "peak" times?
The U.S. radio station is in fact a blind for the KGB. A U.S. radio station is really too obvious to be the CIA, you can bet your bottom rouble that the commies are behind this.
"pinkos" & "commies" - how very 60s :-)
No Ed it was the other evening ff was on about as I witnessed them too and saw they were posted within minutes of each other by the same person.
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Ed- the block of 202 posts was done at around 2am-3 am I recall (I didn't see them until the following morning shortly before they were removed), but I remember a few more identical ones (but with new user names) were posted in blocks of 3-5 at a time during the day yesterday - around mid-morning I think
Thank you Factor.

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