Whenever you suffer loss or damage through the negligence of another person you have the right to demand compensation and, if necessary, to pursue that demand through the courts.
However a court would not normally consider ruling in your favour unless you'd already submitted a formal written demand for compensation to the person whom you were claiming against (and that demand had been rejected or ignored).
So your first step should be to write a formal letter demanding compensation. Your letter must show your name and address, and that of the person whom you are claiming against. (If the business is run as a limited company the claim must not be against a named individual but addressed to 'The Company Secretary' instead). The letter must also be dated and (preferably) sent by Recorded Delivery, making sure that you retain a copy.
Your letter should include the words 'Demand for Payment', stating the amount demanded and the reason for the demand. It should also state that, if payment is not received within a specified period of time (I suggest 14 days), you will commence court action.
If you don't get satisfaction, you can commence court action online: