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Car Maker

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ianashmore | 21:46 Wed 28th Aug 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers
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Identify the car maker:
Clue:followed into the battle to conform


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Standard was a car maker: And the standard is flag used in battle, and standard is to conform
22:24 Wed 28th Aug 2013
That one isn't a car maker. It's a clue to a racecourse I believe.
Question Author
It's under car maker in my quiz!!!!!!
I think it was your own question which misled me. The answer appears to be Huntingdon. Confused.
i'm probably way off here but how about Honda, I was thinking their Model Accord.

Buoyed by their success with the Civic, Honda turned their sights to developing a larger companion model. For the new model, Honda chose the name Accord, reflecting "Honda's desire for accord and harmony between people, society and the automobile."[7]
vauxhall.....standard... ?
katburd, I was thinking Ford Focus but it's too late at night to work it out.
Hi The Winner, yes it's a tricky one isn't it, would like to see it solved though, but it's good to get other thoughts and ideas, it may lead to an answer.
Standard was a car maker:

And the standard is flag used in battle, and standard is to conform
I like to hear others thoughts too katburd, but I need to go to bed now, see you soon, I bet it is obvious when we see the answer. Night all.
Alice is right. It's Standard
that's good glad it has been solved.
Alice is wrong.
It's not Vauxhall. It's Standard Motor Company
Question Author
Thanks all.

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Car Maker

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