1 & 12 a. unfeasibly short odds - also compared .....
I havde: - l - l - m - - - d - - -e - t - o -
12.a. I have: c - i - a - r - - - e
5.d.Heroine of Lady Scott's air...
I have: - - - - e - a - r - e
7.d.the Whole body of the Northern Buddhist ...
I have: - - - - i - a - a
29.d. Genus of stony corals in tropical reefs
I have: m - d - e - o - e
23.a. Imaginary area off the coast of Labrador...
I have: - s - o - i - a - d
I am really stuck and can anyone help me, thank you.
Therevada: A Buddhist term in Sanskrit that means the school or way of the elders. It recognizes the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Because it emphasizes personal liberation over collective liberation, it is sometimes referred to as the Hinayana or "Lesser Vehicle" school of Buddhism -- a derogatory term. It is found in Sri Lanka and throughout Southern Asia.