I had an emergency today. where i needed to get to an autistic person who was in hospital at Princess Royal, it took me one hour and thirty minutes to travel from new Addington to Locksbottom......I believe now, it was roadworks, and people picking up kids from school, now is it just me, or a do both sets of problems need to be regulated, and answerable for, there are to many people on the road at the wrong times.
Quite right, Hopkirk. Maybe your right, my getting to the hospital is equally as important as a rich wife, driving a tank, transporting one over weight kid to wherever to fill that vacume that exists between what happens next...or road workers with no one to answer too, and we're all sitting there and taking it.
I like your optimism, but things need to be looked at.
Sorry, Woof! Meant to add, people who drive their tanks, to take doggy walkies in the middle of morning rush hour......."your not one of them are you"?