What if you took your car for a service, and the law required all data from your movements to be downloaded to a police data base, so they could see if your average speed was above the speed limit? With the latest EMS and tracking systems, could the police know where you had been, eg, could these systems differentiate between motorways and other roads?
Terrible imposition for sure. But I can't see them wishing to spend resource matching speeds with locations over the year, at present. But what you describe seems to me to be akin to a police state.
If the Car etc had a Tracker they "Could tell where that Motor was, we had them in the HGV's I used to drive, from our depot in Lanc's to our destination in Coatbridge Scotland, they could tell where we where, but "Not Exactly where we were"
they already have these in cars for insurance companies voluntarily for youngsters who want cheaper insurance. They use the satnav data and GPS to know the speed limits and it actually gets reported to the insurance company. If this became compulsory in all cars they can just send you a speeding ticket automaticall no need for any plod involvement.
Saab and other cars can remotely give a diagnostic on your car and it is possible to stop some cars although it is illegal as it could cause accidents plus lots more I suspect but am happily ignorant of