Jose Mourinho has been fined £25,000 for comments claiming there is a 'campaign' to influence referees' decisions against his Chelsea side. Does anyone have an insight into who actually pays the fine? Are Chelsea expected to pay the fine on Mourinho's behalf or do Chelsea have a clause written into his contract whereby any injudicious remarks for which he is fined are his responsibilty?
>>> or do Chelsea have a clause written into his contract whereby any injudicious remarks for which he is fined are his responsibilty?
No such clause would be necessary as, under FA rules, it is the individual player who is responsible for paying any fines which result from his conduct.
The FA gets it. Theoretically it should find it's way down to 'grass roots' level but that always seems to mean non-league clubs rather than the kids on your local park.
Thank you so much for your contributions - which were greatly appreciated - and I do hope that you'll forgive me for not having acknowledged the responses before now.