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Faulty Speedometer

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marje | 21:33 Mon 02nd Feb 2015 | Motoring
7 Answers
Hi, I took my Toyota Yaris to the local dealer due to the airbag recall. They did the airbag, a general visual safety report and gave the car a wash.

I thought all was well until I was on my way home and realised that the digital speedometer was reading about 20 mph more than I was doing. I didn't have time to return to the dealers so went home. I phoned them and am taking it back on Wednesday for a Technician to look at it.

Just wondered if anyone could throw any light on what may have happened?

Thank you.


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Are you sure it's not just changed to KPH instead of MPH? Your manual should tell you how to change it if this is the case.
21:37 Mon 02nd Feb 2015
Are you sure it's not just changed to KPH instead of MPH? Your manual should tell you how to change it if this is the case.
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Methyl - Was asked if I wanted it washing and accepted because the 2 garages I'd called in to wash the car had broken washers.

Zacs - I don't think it's changed to KPH as even going slowly, the speedometer was showing that I was travelling very fast. When I came to a speed camera and slowed down to what my car said was 30 mph, I was crawling long. I think the bloke behind me thought I was crackers.

Anyway, I'll check tomorrow. Just wondered if anyone knew if the person who did the airbag could have somehow inadvertently done something to the speedometer.

Thanks for your replies.
Worth a check tho, eh?
Poss might have knocked the settings out within the ECU.
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Well Zac you were right. I checked it today and it was indeed on KPH. I never noticed as I was too busy looking at the numbers on the speedo. Thanks so much, you're a star!
Glad to be of help.

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Faulty Speedometer

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