Depends on the condition, Re/ Dents / Scratches / the car has done 75000 whih is not a ;lot for a derv but some people don't think like that, I don't know the Cleanliness of your car but if I look for a car that is a very important Issue, Do you smoke? that's an Issue regards Price, tears in the seats etc, but going off what you say I think a fair asking price will be around £16>>>£1800, you will be very lucky to get the later, but don't go for the very lowest price of around £14>>>>>£1500, but make sure you are not on your own when selling for Safety reasons, As said, if a cheque is handed to you, do NOT HAND OVER the V5 ( Log Book) until the Cheque has cleared, & if they want a test drive, ask if they have the Insurance cover, if not YOU DRIVE & Explain the reason, It's too late when they bump the car.