It's not so much a case of neglecting as such, it's that they pass responsibility onto the tech because that's an easy way to grab convictions without the need to apply human judgement and proceed appropriate to the circumstances.
By neglecting actual involvement one can still generate lots of income as fines, make the lives of decent folk who have just gone over some arbitrary limit miserable, and pat themselves on the back for holding up the letter of the law rather than supporting a humane justice system. The masses are just there to be cowed/controlled after all , society isn't their for their benefit, they are there to do as they are told, and the tech achieves that.
What is really needed is less tech issuing automatic punishments, more human interaction & judging of the correct course of action, and indeed also an acceptance that a deliberate act of, say, murder, is more important than catching the minor transgressor who isn't harming anyone.