My TWR was bought for me by my Daughters, cost to put on my car £160, been on the car 6 years now to be transferred to my New 2nd 308, I think I understand the V317 Form, have you done the Transfer? Did you find the Form somewhat confusing regards the Section 1>>2>>3>>4, the Gov pages I downloaded do not state the sections!!! I'm on the Ist Page. Help from the Brains Please.
pretty simple mate, tciket the box in section 1 to transfer, then fill in 2 and 3, you can send the green slip for section 3 if you just bough the car. its £80 no idea why you paid £160 before.
^^^because TWR's posts don't work like that. They usually require some work by the reader to render them meaningful....and, even then, a result is not always guaranteed!