well this insurance inquiry has ignited imaginations !
The question is about intentiomal damage and whether it is insured ( criminal acts are insurable but are this is not really the case here )
[ the story of the mini taking the parking space of a rolls and the fella saying 'ya gotta big quick to do that ' and the roller driver going bang! bang ! bang ! as he reversed too and fro to make a prking space and getting out and saying 'ya gotta be rich to do that ' 1970s]
DID go to the HIgh Court ( he rolled up all the claims and sent it off to his insurance co who refused to pay ) - if anyone had the case citn I wd be grateful
so this is more of the lesson of a type - if silly boys play silly games they have to pay silly amounts of money
either they go bankrupt or they learn eventually this valuable life lesson
[ my brother used to do this sort of thing and towards the end of the a long learning curve we were at our wits end - he wasnt he didnt have any ]