Society & Culture27 mins ago
Stickers On Cars.
We picked up our spanking new car in silver on Tuesday. We are thinking about putting a few small stickers on the car, is this likely to damage the paintwork when we remove them or will the area around the sticker look faded when we remove the stickers in 3 years time when we replace it.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Check with your insurance before you stick anything anywhere on your car
At Direct Line, stickers on a vehicle would count as a cosmetic modification and be judged on “an individual basis”, whereas other insurers such as LV= say stickers don’t count
http:// www.the guardia oney/20 15/feb/ 16/chec k-insur ers-don t-mind- modific ations- car
At Direct Line, stickers on a vehicle would count as a cosmetic modification and be judged on “an individual basis”, whereas other insurers such as LV= say stickers don’t count
Maybe one of those highly amusing ones, eccles.
http:// www.zaz uk/funn y+bumpe r+stick ers
Actually, I quite like one of those - Adults on Board. We want to live, too :D
Actually, I quite like one of those - Adults on Board. We want to live, too :D
"Perhaps I drive around with my eyes closed" ..... Oh dear !
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=s tickers +on+car s&b iw=1137 &bi h=566&a mp;sour ce=lnms &tb m=isch& amp;sa= X&s qi=2&am p;ved=0 CAYQ_AU oAWoVCh MIrfKG4 dmmxwIV CdMaCh0 d1w9Z#t bm=isch &q= car+sti ckers+f or+wind ows
EcclesCake, dont let it worry you. Just to ease your pain, I have found some examples for you. Mine wont be as big as those though. https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=c ar+adve rtising +sticke rs+uk&a mp;espv =2& biw=168 0&b ih=925& amp;sou rce=lnm s&t bm=isch &sa =X& ved=0CA cQ_AUoA moVChMI yevcqIC nxwIVi2 vbCh2wQ glw