Hi, I've been driving 40 years, always in a manual, which I prefer, I have only driven an automatic many years ago, for a short while, I am picking up my new vehicle next week which is an automatic (to good a deal to ignore) but I am feeling a bit apprehensive about driving an auto, and I'm sure although, I will soon get use to it, I wondered if there are any tips that could help a beginner.
look sunshine you were wrong be grown up and apologise and we'll leave it there. I offered my advice to the OP in good faith you came on here making accusations and assumptions about me with no evidence. Regular posters will know that I am a regular in motoring and I try to be constructive and helpful. We all have different views on aspects of motoring, I do not expect abuse for expressing mine. I do not expect everyone to have the same view either. I do not feel it is I that has instigated the disruption of this thread. The place for inanity is Chatterbank.
TTT, if you don't use your handbrake when stationary then presumably you are holding the car on the footbrake, thereby dazzling the driver behind you. I assume that would be the 'dazzle' referred to, the cause of all, or most, of this unpleasantness.
"Perhaps TTT doesn't bother to dip his headlights for oncoming traffic or signal when leaving a roundabout, it's just common courtesy not to dazzle with brake lights when waiting. " - here is the quote, note the phrase "oncomming traffic". note also that the editor censors me but allows the initial abuse to stand.
Your post was removed because it was an offensive tirade - my post wasn't because it was a tongue in cheek prod at an arrogant man who had just dismissed others' opinion out of hand.