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Hello, yes thankyou i did make a few errors in the initial post
I did mean the dependent variable Y
The s2 should have been u2 to represent the error term
and the error term of x3 should be u3
really sorry about those mistakes...
So should I use a linear model? are there any alternatives?
My equations in a less abstract way would be as follows
∆Y =α+b1Y+b2CIVIL+b3 POLIT+b4 CORUP+ϵ1
Where ∆Y_it = Change in GDP per Capita, Y= GDP per Capita CIV=Civil Liberties, POL= Political Rights, COR= Corruption, SPH = Freedom of speech, BEL = Freedom of belief, PRS = Freedom of Media, PAT = Personal Autonomy, VTE = Freedom to vote, PBO = Ability to obtain public office, ACC = Accountability of those in power to electorate.
I am not sure if this even makes any difference. Mainly I am unsure what my options would be?
Thanks again for any help