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Petrol Lawn Mower

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malagabob | 08:59 Sun 07th Aug 2016 | How it Works
9 Answers
I have a chance of a second hand lawn mower. The owner is getting rid of it as once it's started it won't stop. He has to put the least petrol in it so it stops due to lack of fuel.
So it either air supply, or the mower not cutting the air supply off, or fuel shut off that's the problem.
Any ideas TIA.


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Just short the spark plug top to earth..via a switch .
Put something non flammable over the exhaust. It'll soon stop.
Remove the plastic 'Bakalite' cap connecting the lead to the spark plug. If it is attached by a nut then short it out by a earthing it to the body of the mower. Old mowers had a leaf spring for doing this.
I would not mess with anything that uses petrol and is not working correctly.
Is it a Briggs and Stratton engine? There are repair centers for them that can sort out any problems.
As I said above, if no electricity gets to the spark plug it will stop pdq.
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See if there is a local company who does service and repairs on lawnmowers.

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Petrol Lawn Mower

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