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It's Happened Again!!

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Caran | 00:20 Thu 05th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
After the fiasco with the Tesco order I reordered from Asda. Delivery to be tonight between 7.00 and 9.00 pm. At 6.00pm tracking changed to delivery between 7.00 and 7.34 pm andmy driver was called Brian!
At 7.45 pm it changed back to 7.00 to 9.00 pm and no mention of Brian!
Now how long do I have to stay up for in case they deliver later.
What is going on with supermarkets on line orders and deliveries?


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You still waiting?

I never have a problem with Ocado
My Mr Tesco is usually early.
I have shopped online with Tesco since it started and apart from the occasional swap, or missing item, I have not had these issues.

I also don't understand that you said you received (in your last thread) a picking advice, in all these years I have only ever received a text if its going to be slightly late!

I am sorry you are having these difficulties but you do realise that they only pack something if they have it in stock, generally these special offers fly off he shelves and can often be gone well in advance of your delivery date.
Is this a purchase using the on-line grocery system? Or by another way?

With the grocery system you will just pick a 'slot' and it arrives during the slot. There is no tracking option - I haven't seen one anyway.

I use Tesco each week.

I agree wolf
My Tesco deliveries are always on time.
morning Danny xx
Good morning Minty xx et al
Caran's posting about Asda, not Tesco.
//What is going on with supermarkets on line orders and deliveries?//
Posters answering this.
Yes, I see that now, Danny.
Caran, did your order arrive in your chosen time slot? I have never had a 'late' delivery. The problem for me is if a delivery arrives before my chosen slot, that happened with my December order. I'm putting it down to lots of people online ordering & the driver trying to get through his load quicker, still it shouldn't have happened. Luckily I was not long in, though it was inconvenient, I had started dinner and had to leave it to pack frozen food away. I couldn't do without this service, generally it works very well.
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Still not arrived. I have phoned Asda and they are looking into it.
On the query re tracking, on the confirming email there is a link to click on to see delivery options.
It is still saying between 7-9 last night.
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Are they as dirty as the shopping trollies you use if you shop at the store?
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In a follow up to that story, the supermarkets said that measures had been taken to rectify the problem of dirty crates, including the installation of crate cleaners (it was Watchdog).

Trolley handles are filthy and covered in germs which are transferred to everything you touch in store. I have seen toddlers wet themselves while sat in the trolley seat.

Money is covered in germs and bacteria as well. Everything is, it's a fact of life and mostly are bodies are designed to cope with it.
The stuff they found in the green crates was mainly mould not bacteria . Of course bacteria covers almost everything. I am immunosuppressed due to medication and its a nightmare going anywhere public, I use more hand gel than Robbie Williams :-) Mould can be more dangerous than bacteria.
My shopping is delivered in bags so dirty boxes are not that much of an issue for me!
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They promised a phone call In 1-2 hours, I phoned at 9.00am. Just what is going on?

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