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Traction Control

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kopend | 08:29 Mon 24th Jul 2017 | Motoring
5 Answers
how do you switch the traction control off on old BMW 330Ci 2003


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There are a variety of clips on youtube see which one matches your model.
if its like my kia rio the whole *** inner boot door has to be dismantled.just to change sodin bulb
Can traction-control be switched off permanently? On my car, it's "on" by default...switch it "off" with the dashboard button labelled "traction control"....but switch the engine off and next time you start up, T-C is "on" again...same with the emergency self-braking feature. They really don't want you driving with these safety features disengaged!
of course my text was in the wrong question
This what the hand book say's ( page 77 ).

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