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That's how it started Mamya. Someone else used to do January to June, and I did July to December. We did this for about 10 years but she gave up last year due to ill health.
No one else wants to take over. That's always the way in an organisation and the U3A is no different.
I'll carry on as long as I can.
I also sort out all the raffle prizes and sell the tickets
As well as being a long standing committee member.
The trouble is no one wants to get involved. It's always someone else can do it.
I remember when the numbers for lunch club were getting a bit high. I suggested we had two lunch clubs a month. I said I would set it up but someone else would have to run it. No takers at all. It meant I had to restrict the numbers and have a cancellation list as the majority of pubs couldn't accommodate the higher numbers.
But that's life!