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nailit | 19:19 Wed 09th May 2018 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Just why do humans feel the need to be groupies?
I don't mean the young girls that follow a band around hoping to be laid by one of them.
I mean the apparent human need to follow other human beings.
Watched something at a friends this afternoon about royalist well wishers and Prince Harry. Good luck to Prince Harry and his up coming wedding, wish them all the best. But what the hell has that got to do with anyone not connected in any way at all with them? The same with people that follow their football team all over the country, or people who cant wait to see the latest celeb gossip about their favorite stars.
I'm not knocking any of it, Just trying to understand why humans have this need to idolise other human beings?
(and then conversely demonising those same beings when they prove to be as human as the rest of us)....?


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We like to something. We are essentially social animals.
There have been many studies into this, seems it's often good for us.

My Father worked hard all week and following the Town's football team was both relaxing and an act of belonging and allegiance.
I just "follow" you Nails. Fascination has no borders or apparent discernment. (^_*)
I went to see Adam Ant in concert last year, with lots of other middle-aged women in the audience . It was great to feel part of a crowd all enjoying the same thing, and to think of us all decades ago in our own bedrooms listening to our Ant music and cutting pictures out of magazines to stick on our walls.
Lord knows, but there are some toe-curling conspiracy theorists on here, and plenty of "groupies" who follow them around congratulating them on every single outlandish and malicious lie.

Groupies exist everywhere, rather cringingly.
They're not really Groupies, they're fans (or fanatics)
Disciples; sycophants; brown nosers.

Potato potato ;)
clover..Terry Lee Miall is a friend of mine... Ants Drummer..could tell you a few tales !
Oh yes, minty. I remember you saying that he was a friend of yours. They all fell out didn't they? Shame.
AA still looks amazing.
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Thanks for replies.
Just to be clear, I'm not talking about following a pop band.
I'm asking why the need to 'follow' someone? (or something)
I just dont get it?
Some do, some don't - we never understand all of human nature.
I suppose I'm a groupie in a way, Nailit....I fell in love with Joan Baez when I was thirteen...and still adore her.
I loved then and love now her care and passion and that she will stand up for the much as I love her voice and music....
I've been to see her live whenever she's in the UK.....I buy or am gifted all her music...
I love when I'm at a concert and meet another grey haired pensioner who mentions The Isle of Wight and we discover that we were both there together so many years ago with our long hair, flares and beads....thinking that we would put right this world.....x
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//Some do, some don't - we never understand all of human nature//
Guess we never will, but still we try...
Groupies are people like Pamela Des Barras and that Plaster Caster woman.
We were hunter gatherers going about in groups, so we have always done it to some extent, it’s in our blood
That's basically what I said in the first reply, Steg. It's inherent.
I don't think I belong to any fan type groups...I have never had any interest in the behaviour of the royal family or 'followed' a pop group..I had those I preferred but did not ever want to be part of the group that screamed at concerts. I do not understand fanatical followers of sports particularly such as 'we won the cup' make no you didn't, some people on a team won. So I don't think all humans idolise other people who they do not know at all....very strange IMO.
I don't idolise any one person but I do belong to at least five groups of like minded people.

It's good to be with others who enjoy the same thing.
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Its all very strange to me as well mally.
Aye, mainly we hunted and gathered in sociable groups (the strength of numbers helps) but there's always those who prefer to stroll off and hunt and gather alone.

Such is life in all its variety.

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