The AA are the first to shout that motorists are being ripped off for fuel prices, but they don't brag about how they keep trying to add extra cover on ones breakdown cover when its time to renew. I have ( roadside & relay) I do not require anything else, yet this is the second time they have added the so called( stay mobile at £5 per month) that's just useless), so yet again I have to spend another 15/20 mins on the phone to get it taken off, you can't email them, or wright to them, they will just keep you waiting on the phone for ever hoping you will give up.
What gives these people the right to keep adding extra cost to your cover, that you've not requested? I refuse to help pay for the millions of pounds they spend on TV adds.
I've never had cover with anyone, although thankfully realised my leased car is already covered. The AA Were there within half an hour when I got a puncture. Couldn't fault them.
I agree that other than sending a quote requested, any further pushing is just likely to put people off- and adding on services to policies without prior consent... is that even legal?
T C L. Trading Standards, and the A S A are just one big joke. The AA advertised that they could fix most cars in less than 30 mins, what they didn't tell people was that you could be waiting up 5/6 hours before they even get to you, due to them cutting back on vans/ work force, the only reason they have changed the add too ( fix your car within 30mins of ARIVAL) is because they got a slamming from watch dog. They will spend millions on telly adds to con folk into joining, only for those customers to find what a poor service it is. Now you will always find the odd customer say they've had good service, but try reading some of the complaints.
Not sure what your issue is with the AA. I have been a member for at
least 15 years, called them out 3 maybe 4 times, never had an issue, prompt call out, prompt response, no problem at all, you get what you pay for imo.
I think a lot depends on where and when you break down and what the fault is. I've been with the AA for seven years and am looking for another breakdown service.
First call out was when the clutch pedal suddenly went to the floor. Phoned the AA and waited 2 hours until a local garage turned up to convey the car and me home, the AA never contacted me in spite of having getting to your destination service.
The second occasion I was on holiday in Northern Ireland and the car broke down on a Saturday in Co Fermanagh, 80 miles from where I was staying. Again, after phoning the AA a local garage came and looked and said nothing could be done until Monday. The AA offered no further assistance. I had to book into another hotel for the weekend and phoned the AA on Monday morning, was told the car would need to be inspected by an AA mechanic before repair authorisation could be given. After 3 hours I phoned the local garage who collected the car and did a superb temporary repair, which lasted the rest of the holiday and got me home. The AA seem to be very good if the breakdown is convenient and the fault simple but give them an awkward situation and as far as I can see your'e pretty much on your own.
Our Roadside business delivered a resilient performance in FY19. We attended to over 3.73m breakdowns, which was 1% higher than the previous year and 3% higher than the average over the last 5 years. Our overall repair rates were 76.6% (2018: 77.3%) and we achieved a call-to arrive time of 43 minutes (2018: 50 minutes). Despite the higher call-outs, we delivered outstanding customer service and were pleased to be the outright winner of What Car? breakdown provider in 2018 and to
be recognised by Which? as the only breakdown assistance provider in 2018 to receive a 5 star rating
for ‘repair at roadside’."
Baldric, if you don't understand the issue, then read my first post, then you may get it? It seems that most of you have not understood my complaint. ( it is NOT about the service the AA give when one breaks down ) Read my first post!!!!
If you are so fed up with them, why are you still with them?
I'm with RAC, and every year I ring to challenge the renewal price and they do something. This year it was an extra 3 months free if I renewed at the quoted price.
Why not ring RAC and see if they will undercut the AA?
I joined the AA when I first moved to London from Devon. I figured that as I was driving between the two places every 2 weeks it would be a good idea. One night my flatmates sent me down to the booze shop to get some bacadrdi as I was the only one who hadn't been drinking so I could still drive. The cam belt on my Ford Escort packed up right in the middle of the level crossing beside the train station. I phoned the AA. They didn't turn up so I walked home and told them where my car was and to let me know when they were nearby my car so I could walk back down to the station and meet them there. This was about 1.30 am. Needless to say, they never phoned. When I eventually spoke to them they said that they had come out and couldn't find my car (not difficult when it was right beside the railway station) and they couldn't get throught when they tried to phone me which was a complete lie. What a complete lot of idiots.
longest I've ever waited is 90 minutes.I think the AA is a bit like ryan air, many hate them many love them. The haters though generally misunderstand how the outfit operates.
ive never had that, they either fix it or take me and the car home. They have even taken me and my bike home once when I crashed at a track day, they didn't have to do that. I've never had any of the experiences descriped above, bike or car. A proper AA man comes in a yellow AA vehicle, either fixes it or calls a relay truck to get me and the car home. Once they dropped the car off at my garage and me home. just speaking as I find, all my experiences have been good. Perhaps i am due a bad one.
I can't bear the AA advert at the moment with kid bopping to Tina Turner. It makes it look as though the patrol is there in seconds. At the end he pulls out of the lay-by, and almost instantly us on the south side of the M25.