Some sections of four motorways are going to be cut to 60 mph to reduce pollution - surely it would be better to cut it to 60 across the board rather than just in small sections.
This is only a trial, to see how it goes. If every motorway had their top limit cut, and it didn't work as planned, it might mean that some money has been wasted.
Teh green brigade are on a high at the moment. Currently blocking loads of rads and causing pollution. You really couldnt make it up.
And now this. Its just a revenue raiser as they know it is difficult to keep changing speed so many will get caught out. People should be concentrating on motorways not having to spend half their time looking at a speedometer.
If you cut the speed across all m ways, you will have mass congestion - loads of stationary vehicles belching out pollution, which rather defeats the object of the exercise.
Don't trust trials. I'm sure they're only a facade used as a cover for what they intend to do anyway. So, maybe the aim is to catch more "speeding" motorists to boost income.
It is a trial. Unless they have been told to come up with a certain result, it might identify great potential environmental benefits or might keep the environmental lobby quiet for a while. i thought they had already found from some trials on the M25 that traffic sometimes runs more smoothly when the limit is set at 50 or 60 than when it's 70 and you get all that braking and accelerating.
I think it's worth researching these things rather than just sticking to 70 because it's always been 70. Hopefully they'll also do trials based on 80mph limits as well though - otherwise some might suspect the motives of the trial. Some sort of conspiracy theory
>If you cut the speed across all m ways, you will have mass congestion - loads of stationary vehicles belching out pollution, which rather defeats the object of the exercise.
Have you already seen the results of previous approved experiments then, andy?
Gulliver, this is a trial to reduce emissions; motorcyclists produce significantly less emissions than car drivers.
FF raised a good point - If they’re going to trial 60, why not 80? It could be argued travelling at 80 gets you to your destination quicker therefore reducing emissions. I should say I have no clue about the science so I have no idea whether my argument holds any water.