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Ulez & Lez

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-SharonA- | 16:40 Thu 16th Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Reading articles on the new zones after a question from hubby, does this apply to cars driving into said zone? Or applies to cars living in the zone?
The zone that we are in is the LEZ & hubby's car is liable for a charge.


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//The charges only need to be paid if you drive your vehicle within the zone. Parked vehicles are not subject to any charges.//
16:45 Thu 16th Sep 2021
//The charges only need to be paid if you drive your vehicle within the zone. Parked vehicles are not subject to any charges.//
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Jeez, that's gonna be expensive if you drive every day. I'd better dig out my walking shoes.
As I read it, the exemption for residents applies only to the ULEZ.
Sharon tell your husband to dress as a clown and apply for the Showman's discount!
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Lol, he can be a little clownish at times.

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