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Price Difference Between Gb And Ni

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Redhelen72 | 10:12 Mon 22nd Aug 2022 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I have stated before that we have had issues with purchasing/receiving goods here in NI before.
But I have recently realised that the supermarkets are charging us considerably more on goods readily available in both NI and GB.
Do you think this is fair?
An example of such is their chuck burgers available in GB £3 or on special offer £2.50 we were being charged £4.50 - I have raised this with them and I am still awaiting an response but I have noted today that they have reduced the price slightly to £4.


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You're paying for the ambience.
Keep working on them Karen.
Which supermarket?
Retailers are all taking advantage of the current situation to profiteer where they can.
could you nip over the border for some cheap EU ones?
eg crude oil has dropped from $120 to $90 in the last 5 months but that has mostly not been passed on by the retailers.
I've noticed on my travels that the price of supermarket road fuel is a good chunk cheaper in the north of England compared to what we're paying in Scotland.

Particularly galling when i can see the glow of the flares at the local refinery just over the hill.

I have to agree with Tora to a point, they'll charge what they can until there's a customer revolt.
& there are added transport costs for outlying regions i.e. North of Scotland & NI. (maybe Channel Islands?)
It would definitely help to know which supermarket you're referring to.

However recent research seems to show that grocery prices are generally LOWER in NI than in GB:
Round here the forecourts have managed a little bit of a cartel between them. That will hold for now but usually one of them makes a move and starts a price war! There is a local station near me that is always "under new management" basically they keep getting arrested for card fraud. Locals know only to pay cash there. My money is on them.
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It was Tesco
Sorry Ozzy - Karen?
Interesting because my research in the last 2 weeks does not show that we are cheaper at all
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I wonder why Ozzy felt the need to insult me?
Oh, I thought your name was Helen . !!!
Karen is mostly found on you tube .
It's what our resident geriatric Kevins do now, Helen.
Apart from prices the availability of produce here in N Ireland seems to have been reduced recently. Last time I was in Tesco the only frozen vegetables available were broccoli or a cauliflower and broccoli mix. There used to be a far wider choice available.
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Oh right Thanks Gness
Sandy - thanks I have noticed a lot more stuff not available on almost every order.
Plus a lack of variety for cereals compared to GB
broccoli or a cauliflower and broccoli mix

ugh. Still, better than potato or potato, I suppose.
What are Chuck burgers ?
I think they're the ones so horrible you chuck them in the bin.

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Price Difference Between Gb And Ni

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