// the larger vehicle does next to no damage, //
Heavier vehicles will cause the top layer of asphalt to erode more quickly, for the reasons given in my last post. Of course, to deny the science is your prerogative.
Let's change tack. Consider this;
The tyres on a heavier vehicle will we larger in size. Hence the CSA of the tyre tread is greater.
Very fine rubber particulates caused by friction
(Note friction is a force) between the road surface and the tyre are of major concern. These are extremely harmful to the environment, more so than vehicle gas emissions.
Once again let me stress,'the heavier the vehicle the more it will contribute to air pollution'. In fact since EVs weigh more than their internal combustion counterparts, they give rise to more pollution.
It is difficult to accept the argument you put forward that RFL should be same for every vehicle. Especially when it is know that heavier vehicles cause more damage to both our roads and the very air we breathe!