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Labour’s To Do List

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Hymie | 21:11 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
1 Answers

Once Labour have done what they said (in their manifesto) in their first 100 days – I reckon they should subsidise Channel 4 to make a number of exposés of the corruption/incompetence during the last 14 years of Tory government.


The programmes would be something similar to that covered by the Post Office scandal.


They could start with the illegal VIP lanes, in which the Tories enriched themselves and their mates at the cost of the tax payer (supplying dodgy PPE); move on to the total incompetence of the government’s handling of the Covid pandemic (including Party-gate etc), followed by the number of deaths directly attributable to the Tory’s austerity measures; the son of a Russian KGB agent appointed to the House of Lords at the behest of Boris Johnson (despite serious objections from the British Security Services).


I could go on to list more Tory corruption; over to ABers to list more Tory corruption you’d like to see Channel 4 cover.


Unless you read Private Eye, most UK citizens will only have a passing knowledge of the above Tory corruption, due to the almost total control of the press by the rightwing.


Come the next general election, the electorate would then be fully aware of what awaits them should they elect the Tories once more.



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Well as long as they investigate all the Labour M.P.s who were suspended. There must have been  lots over the 14 years. At least a dozen  since 2019. 

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