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Re: My Unpaid Council Tax Bills?

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piggynose | 09:16 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Business & Finance
29 Answers

Anyway i´ve decided to bite the bullet and pay!

I was asked how do i want to pay? debit card or bank transfer? debit card is free, but according to my Halifax bank website bank transfers are free in euros, but £9.50 in pounds? no brainer or not really?



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I would have tbought so.


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if i decided to pay with my debit card, id have to send all my card details, inc name on card, the long number, exp date and 3 digit security code!! that sounds dodgy to me!!

I have to supply all that info when using my debit card to pay anything online or over the phone ...

So do I.  That is normal procedure and if it wasn't necessary it would be even easier for scammers to scam.

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I smell a rat! when i usually send these details, its normally on an official form, not just on a whatsapp.

WhatsApp !?!? Sounds a strange way to ask for money.

Have you contacted the council ?

You never mentioned WhatsApp.

Contact the council through their website 

My daughter had an unpaid council tax bill when she was renting her flat. It was forwarded to her from the letting agency. Official form with all the details and options to pay, bank transfer, cheque or card. She corresponded with the council by email, received immediate answers and proof of all payments made or not by her tenants

I don't know why you've decided to pay, piggynose. 

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calmck, I did call the BCC ( brum council ) and they insisted that I call the Bailiffs! The bailiffs are the people insisting that I pay by WhatsApp with debit card details!!?

Good Morning,

Pass the bill onto the letting agents who dealt with the flat when it was rented out - they should have carried out due diligence and ensured there were no outstanding bills.

I always go direct to my local council site and take the payment link there. I try and pay it all off asap. There are way to many arrears across the country which, in part, explains why the council struggles to provide a decent level of service.

I certainly wouldn't use WhatsApp for any kind of payment!!!

You can't pay the council tax bill on the council website if it's the bailiffs that are pursuing the debt.

Tell the bailiffs that you refuse to pay as it is the ex-tenant's debt, not yours.  Give them all the proof they need

If Bailiffs are involved surely there should have been correspondence from the council and or courts before they become involved. Something does not seem right. My daughters arrears was from 4 years ago and only came to light when she was selling her flat this year. I have never heard of paying through WhatsApp.

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Barry, but it isn't the ex tennants  bill? She left beforehand. By the look of things eg my bank statement, my flat lay empty for 5 months during that period! So I have I really got a leg to stand on?

Will CAB be of any help ?

As I understand it, piggynose  did not receive any of the demands for payment from the council as they went to the tenant.


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Barry: whats galling is my property Co not informing me !! I paid them 10% of the rent for their services!!  They seem to want to wash their hands of me!!??

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