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Driver Licence

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JinnyJoan | 22:40 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

just dawning on me my driving licence expires in September - do I contact them or do they contact me - thanks



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They should send you a form about 4-6 weeks before expiry.

you have to apply for the renewed license.

How are you, JJ? Feeling more like yourself?

This is a link confirming a reminder will be sent to you about two month before the licence runs out.,You'll%20get%20a%20reminder%20notice,to%20renew%20your%20licence%20online.

The DVLA will contact you by post. My licence, also, expires in September, and I have recently received the necessary message from the DVLA. I now have my renewed licence. The process went very smoothly.

22:49 yes they remind you but you still have to apply.

You can renew it online and don't even have to send a new photo as you can tick the box that says 'use my currrent passport photo.'

only if it's not a 10 year renewal then they want a new picture. If it's for an over 70yrs 3 year renewal then ok.

used to be an incredz thrutch and now is straightforward and quick ( and on line)

access the site and see if you can do it  now

My paper one is valid until 2033 :-)

You can apply online now; you don't need to wait for a reminder. I always renew mine as soon as I'm within 90 days of expiry and it's valid immediately until the anniversary of the old licence expiry date, so you don't lose anything.

"...only if it's not a 10 year renewal then they want a new picture. "

Quite so, Tora. But readers should be aware that, unless you are restricted to a short term licence (usually for medical reasons)  your licence (i.e. your entitlement to drive) does not expire until you are 70. Only the photocard does.

If you fail to renew your photocard you can only be guilty of that offence (which attracts a fine only). You cannot be guilty of driving without a licence (which carries a fine and an endorsement) because you still have one.

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