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Bbc Quiz : Week 30

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Buenchico | 20:28 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
31 Answers

Hello again!


It's very much a 'middling' week for me in the quizzes, as I scored FOUR out of seven in the grown-ups' one


. . . and THREE out of five in the kids' one


You can do better though, can't you?



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Hi Buen - a couple of guesses & I got 5/7 & 3/5

Evening Chris.






Hope this finds you well  ; ))

Question Author

Good scores (and better than mine, of course) from you, as always, Lie-in King!  Well done!


Good evening, Sam. I'm not too bad for an old 'un, thank you!  (I hope that you're well too, of course!).

Decent enough scores from you this week, I see, but thanks for allowing me to beat you anyway!

I got 3/7 for the grown-up quiz. I randomly jabbed the screen each time.

3/5 for the other quiz.

Question Author

Well done, Susan!

Your 'random jabbing' seems to produce better results than many people's 'reasoned thinking'!

Good Evening, Buen x


3 😁 

Well I never scores look familiar...

Main: 4/7
Jnr: 3/5

Question Author

Hiya, Patsy!

'Passable' scores, anyway!  (OK, you're currently last but, I suspect, not for long though!)

Question Author

We're a perfect match, Arky!  A gay wedding, perhaps?

(Actually, I think that I'd rather just have a drink with you down the pub!)  😊

You make me feel so much better Buen! 😄

A Muppet and a Puppet getting wed... that deserves a drink.

Remember Bert and Ernies wedding awe (Sesame Street)

A wishy washy outcome...3 on both quizes.

I'm definitely on your wavelength in this Buen.  4/7 and 3/5! Not telling how many were guesses.  :)  

We're finally getting some semblance of order here with daughter's 6 mth.old spaniel pup and 13 yr. old Sprocker b*itch added to the menagerie for a couple of weeks' holiday. General chaos has ensued. Somewhat conflicting demands.  Hey ho!  C'est la vie. :)

Question Author

A wishy washy outcome, Pasta?  Isn't that what happened when Widow Twankey got pregnant?  😊


Another perefect match!  Welcome to the club, Jourdain2!

A house full of animals must be great fun!  (I seem to have got cats absolutely everywhere, even though there are actually only three of them!).  It might well be a holiday for the dogs but possibly not so much of one for you, I suspect!

Evening all.

1/7 and 3/5

I suppose my run of lucky guesses was bound to come to an end.  

I'm ashamed of 1/7, not so much the 3/5.

Question Author

You're obviously more childlike than grown up this week, Sandy!

At least you managed to avoid any zero scores, anyway!

Good Evening, Chris!

My scores tonight are

4/7, 4/5

Been doing a little more tidying and organising around the home and then came across this funny photo online that made me smile.

It made me think of you and the kitties when they lie on top of your keyboard or take over the bed. Hope all 3 have been behaving themselves of late. 

Wishing you and them a wonderful week ahead :-)

Question Author

Well done, Karamia!  Joint top!

I think that the chances of me managing to organise the cats are non-existent.  They regard it as their job to organise me!

Tablo and Chequers seem to have given up on demanding food from my plate when I'm eating.  Now they just dive in and help themselves to it!  For example, the other day I was trying to eat a simple salad, consisting of Stilton cheese, stuffed chicken roll and dressed salad leaves.  However Tablo adores Stilton and Chequers loves chicken.  So, by the time that they'd helped themselves to what they considered to be their fare share of my meal, all I had left was the salad leaves!

5/7 and 3/5 - thanks to some good guesses

Question Author

Let's hope that you can keep your guesses working for you at the bookies this weekend, Ken!

Well done, anyway!  Joint top!

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