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Should I Buy Car Tax Today?

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Dusty Bin | 13:43 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | Motoring
7 Answers

I have purchased a new car which is now on my driveway, but I haven't driven it so far as there is no valid road tax on it yet. If I buy the tax today, the 27th of July, do I have to pay for the whole month of July? Would I be wiser to wait until 1st August OR does the tax run for 365 days from thr date I first purchase it? If the latter, then I can go ahead and tax it and start driving, so which is it?



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It begins on the first of each month 

As you suspect, if you buy the tax today you will have to pay for the whole of July. Leave it until Aug 1st if you have no plans to use it. I suspect you can buy it now to be valid from 1st August, if you wish, just to make sure you don't forget it.

It should be SORNed at present - make sure it is or you could be in bother.

In other words wait until 1st August

It's a bit of a swizz since they backdate to the first of the month when buying the tax but pay only for remaining complete months when getting a refund on the tax.


Question Author

Perfect! Thank you for your answers. I shall take your advice and wait until the 1st August. Cheers! 😊

SORN it today 

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