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Taxing The Motorist Per Mile

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naomi24 | 17:37 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Motoring
37 Answers

The government is now considering this but how will it work?  Meters in cars, Big Brother cameras everywhere?  I would have thought that increasing fuel duty was in effect 'taxing the motorist per mile' but this is something different.  



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>>> " . . . but how will it work?"

It seems that there are no clear proposals on that yet:

It will hit rural dwellers as usual but the the powers that be don't care about that because they can't see past their (city) noses.

If they go for black boxes in the cars, there will be a huge trade for clever geeks who can get round them.

Our mileage is recorded on our MOTs so maybe that would be the time to collect the road tax? 

What happens to cars under three years old?

What happens when the odometer has to be replaced?

It would also add another reason to 'clock' cars.

New cars would have to register their mileage somewhere maybe the MOT garages.

Or eventually they will have smart meters! That will please the anti smart meter brigade. 

Perhaps the clever geeks that get around them can advertise their skills at removing all the distracing alarms and similar crepe that new car makers inflict on their long suffering customers already. Does no one make a sensibly designed car any more ?

OG Kia Picanto 1.0 1

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Thanks for the link, Chris.

hoppkirk: "f they go for black boxes in the cars, there will be a huge trade for clever geeks who can get round them." - as with all other transgression they would be prosecuted when caught. Anyone with an iffy box gets a 12 month ban etc.

How will it work? Cars will have to be fitted with meters that'll work like the ones they put in new driver's cars to reduce insurance premiums. Then you'll get a monthly bill not unlike gas and lecky. Roads will be priced by the reaod and time of day. I think it's a much fairer way, payt for what you do. VED is the same if you do 10 miles or 10,000. Yes there will be ways around but they will be prosecuted as with all other offences.

What, like shoplifting?

Oh so they do occasionally prosecute one then.

 This is a money goldmine for the government. At just 1P a mile they can make millions from it.

10:23 Nooo! government imposes tax? Shocker!

I feel a standing charge coming on, and I dont mean standing in a boat load of traffic.🤣🤣

I suppose it might make retrieving stolen cars easier, and stop the problem of people driving on cloned registration plates.

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