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vulcan42 | 17:19 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | Motoring
14 Answers

There's a car parked near me declared SORN but it's still on the road and has been abandoned for 8 months. Both the police and the council tell me it's nothing to do with them because it's been declared SORN. ( They each suggested to contact the other )Who do I contact next?



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I assume it's also uninsured??


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I assume that too TTT, the MOT expired 2022. I'll contact DVLA, thank you.

You may find that if the last registered keeper is not named Smith or Jones then the "authorities" will be very reluctant to do their duty. Tiers for fears. 

"Your vehicle is off the road if you do not keep or use it on a public road, for example if it's in a garage, on a drive or on private land"


If it's on the road it can't be off the road. Try explaining that to the dimwits in charge round your way.

Bear in mind that they want respect as the behave like lazy imbeciles.

Scrappers won't take them without paperwork these days unfortunately.

We've an illegally parked car which is right on a road junction, and blocks our sightline when coming out of our drive, police say it's council problem now, council don't want to know.

I bet if they "accidentally" caugh fire they would be moved pronto. 

The police and council aren't being lazy on this instance, it is only the DVLA that deals with SORN vehicles parked on the highway. They are usually swift to react

netherfield @ 17:50 "Scrappers won't take them without paperwork unfortuantely." Nothing unfortunate about it or anyone could sell something which isn't their's to sell. Regualation of scrap dealers was long overdue and risghtly so. A friend had stuff removed from his fron garden by collectors.


Have either of you checked if the sorned vehicles are in fact taxed? If they are not taxed then the contractors employed by the DVLA are usually pretty hot on impounding vehicles.  

SORN vehicles aren't taxed

DVLA should sort it. Round here they go round clamping cars that are in the road not taxed then they either get the keepers to pay up or take them all away. DVLA should deal with it.

We had an "abandoned" car in our residents parking area getting on for 2 years. No tax/MoT/Insurance or SORN. Authorities said nothing could be done as the registered owner lived locally.

Anyway it was eventually removed (on a transporter) & appeared on Autotrader with a new MoT a few weeks later for £1000.

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