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I Didn't Get The Full Tank Of Petrol Promised

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Treacle71 | 16:38 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Motoring
29 Answers

As I mentioned earlier, I just bought a two year old used car at a main dealer.  Just before I put the deposit down, I asked if there could be any discount on the price, but they said no, but said they'd give a full tank of petrol; however, it only came to my attention the day after bringing the car home, it's only half full of petrol.  What should I do?



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You could try challenging the dealer, particlarly if the mileage is quoted on the sales receipt. In theory a verbal promise is binding; in practice it's impossible to prove. You can let them know where your next car will come from (or where it won't) if they won't oblige. The problem is that most cars started out selling petrol back in the day and then put the odd...
17:03 Sat 17th Aug 2024

There's nothing that you can do about the full tank promise.

It wasn't written down, there's no legal backup. Just put it down to experience.

Also, not much you can do once you've left the dealership, you could have driven anywhere.

Worth a quick phone call along the lines of ' not a big deal in the scheme of things I know, but didn't  get the full tank of petrol that was promised'  I would be surprised if they didn't apologise and come up with something to put it right, you got nothing to lose anyway.  

You could try challenging the dealer, particlarly if the mileage is quoted on the sales receipt. In theory a verbal promise is binding; in practice it's impossible to prove. You can let them know where your next car will come from (or where it won't) if they won't oblige. The problem is that most cars started out selling petrol back in the day and then put the odd car on their forecourt. Then they became dealers and sold petrol as a sideline and now, it seems to me, very few dealers sell petrol, so it might not be easy for them to top it up.


They could top it up at the same place that they got the half a tank from!!

One should also bear in mind that a verbal agreement isn't worth the paper it's written on.

barney - it probably came in with half a tankful.

Apart from that are you happy with the car?

I know that, but the question is posed ' not easy for the dealer to top it up because they don't sell petrol'  I don't sell petrol either but manage to top my fuel tank up when required.

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And then the manager wanted to know what I thought about the salesman??!!

A lesson learned.

Have you contacted the dealer yet, Treacle?

too late, though you could say that you'll up the negative publicity heat on them on-line to undermine their brand credibility with future customers - name and shame, as such....

Give them a scathing review on all the review sites you can access - that'll teach 'em.

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Hi elliemay1. Yes, I emailed the manager, but no reply yet. He said if I've got any problems/questions to contact him, which I did! 🤷

Barry1010 I'm besotted with the car! However, I've a lot to learn!


"What should I do"


Fill it up?

This all sounds a bit funny to me as surely you'd have noticed as soon as you turned the key. It's always the first think I look at. 

Leving negative reviews for something so trivial is wrong.

No, it's not trivial. It reflects the level of service you can expect from the company.

 He may not see emails at the weekend. I would phone him on Monday morning and speak to him directly. It's probably just an oversight. I would give him a chance to address it before doing anything else

Wise words from Ellie

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