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Motorway Rule That More Than 90% Of Drivers Don’t Know

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Hymie | 21:41 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Motoring
16 Answers

You should be aware that a motorway lane is closed when indicted by a red X on an overhead gantry or other sign (usually the left lane) – what you might not be aware of is when that closed left lane passes a junction, you are not permitted leave the motorway at that junction (since doing so would involve transgressing the closed left lane).


(See Rule 258)



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No, I wasn't aware of that.

Well it stands to reason if the lane is closed.

Surely if that is the case it would be coned off. If not, someone has failed at their job.

No OG the red x is the system used to close lanes. By definition if the inside lane is closed any slip roads are inaccessible, no cones are necessary.

Since it is claimed that 90% don't realise, clearly cones are necessary. And is simple common sense anyway.

No they are not, the HC is quite clear, they are committing and offence just entering the lane so it should be obvious that the slip road is unavailable. The idea is that the control room can close lanes, it defeats the object if they also have to send the wombles out to cone off slip roads because eejits don't know the rules.

What matters is what works not what you are meant to have read somewhere.  It's that sort of jobsworth atyitude by authorities that causes many of today's problems. Systems need to work with people not against them.

How many of us bother to read the latest Highway Code?  Not many I bet.

it's obvious that if the inside lane is closed then so are any slip roads. TBH most red X transgression are gotten away with anyway so they'll probably get away with using it. The red X can close the lane for a matter of minutes it's not practical to send out the wombles to cone off the slip roads. That's why the system is how it is.

23:32 You don't need to, it's obvious if a lane is closed you cannot cross it. If it happens to be the inside one then it also means any slip roads are unavailable. End of.

A simple amendment stating 'unless accessing an on or off sliproad' would solve the problem.

Of course nothing's ever simple in this life or country.

"A  National Highways spokesperson said: 'A Red X signal is there to increase the safety of everyone using the road by highlighting an issue ahead.

'Above 90% of drivers observe Red X signals, but ignoring Red X signals is an offence and puts themselves and others at risk.'" [emphasis added]


dougie: "A simple amendment stating 'unless accessing an on or off sliproad' would solve the problem." - What if the problem is by a slip road exit? Think it through me old china.

So if you are joining the motorway you will need to cross lane one - how will know it's a closed lane? Are you then committing an offence?

no because you would not have passed red X. The gantries are positioned to avoid this as far as possible but yes it is still possible to arrive at the incident via a slip road having not passed a red X. In that situation obey the signage encountered.


me old china🤣

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