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New Tyres Have No Valves

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brainiac | 15:02 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Motoring
14 Answers

Cleaning my i10 before its MoT tomorrow I was amazed to see that 3 of the 4 new tyres fitted last month by a large autocentre in town have no visible valves.  I hadn't thought to look when I picked it up - am I missing something?  Going mad?

I live in a village, so no time to go back to the autocentre now.



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Check for a thing that looks like a large flat screwhead on the wheel rim.

Then look in the car for the adapter for your PITA valves.

probably use transistors now😂

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Thanks for the replies.  Can't see anything that looks like that example - and why would they only fit 3 of them with one of the normal sticking-out ones on the front driver's side?

Just been for a long walk to calm down  :(

Have you got plastic wheel trims?

If so, they have probably been put on incorrectly, covering the valves 

Question Author

Yes It's an inexpensive car with plastic wheel covers, with a little 'U' shape cut out for the valve to poke out through as it does on the front driver's side.  How on earth could a large autocentre get it so wrong?

Not the first time that's happened, the trim will be hiding the valves.

Daughter had two new tyres fitted couple of years ago, clearly written on the sidewall it said 'Inside' , I took the wheel off and it's got 'Outside' on that side. 

Boss said ' I set the new lad on it, told me knew what he was doing' the had the cheek to ask for payment for having to balance them again. 

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Thanks.  I hate having to go back to places - hope the lack of valves isn't an MoT issue!

Shouldn't be a problem to the tester, they might even spot it sorted it out for you.

If there were no valves there would be no air in the tyres.

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I really can't imagine what they've done 


You've already confirmed that you have plastic wheel trims. The valves are behind them because they haven't been fitted properly.

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Okay, thanks

Please check your valves are showing before the test. I've found this in the testers manual.

tyre valve seriously damaged or misaligned likely to cause sudden deflation of the tyre.

This will be marked as dangerous and will cause a fail of the test.

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