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Messenger Adult Crossword

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Trayc5 | 17:14 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

7a, It's about 101, car struggling (5) C-R-A .Is it Corsa?

9a,First within a guinea in the catalogues(5) L-S-S.Lists?

5d, Follow the Yorkshire bird(5)T-A--?

10a, Named everyone in last month's upset(6) C--LE-?

12d, Did go round southern gatehouse having been evicted(9) -----D-E-?

Any help would be great with above.



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5 Trail, follow. Yorkshire people say (apparently) T'R

rail rather than The Rail (rail being a bird)

5d trail  't rail

10 Called, named. All = everyone and Dec is the last minth, December (and that's reversed, upset, so Ced.)

10 called

7a Circa (about) 101 = CI +RCA = car, changed/struggling

12 Di-s-lodge-d

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